An abandoned home in Centuria, Wisconsin

Sunset over a lovely farm in Fredericksburg, Texas

Sunset on Lake Vermilion, Minnesota

Sunset lookout over Lake Johanna, Minnesota

Moon over Lake Vermilion, Minnesota

Moon Flare above Alpine, TX

Starry Night Sky on Valentines Evening above Whiskeytown Lake, CA

Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse in Tuscon, Arizona

Evening View of the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles, CA

Sunset in Fort Plain, New York

Manhattan Skyline form Weehawken, New Jersey

The Milky Way Shot from Oak Island, North Carolina

Fishing on the beach at Oak Island, North Carolina

Looking at the stars in Oak Island, North Carolina

Tilt Shift (My camera slipped mid-shot while a car drove by creating a perfect storm of a really cool picture) Lancaster, South Carolina

Look closer in Kershaw, South Carolina

Evening over a farm in Wingate, North Carolina